How to know your PC’s IP Address:

Internet protocol address is an unique address of a computer.  This IP address identifies your address of the machine from other computers on the internet. Your IP address can be either “Static” or “Dynamic“. That means each time you connect to the network/Internet you are assigned a new address for that session.

TECHWARZ will show you how you can find that address of your machine:

1. Press the Start button.

2. Type “cmd“. But type it without the quotes.

3. This will open up with “Command Prompt“.

4.  At “Command Prompt” you will see as:


5. Now write “ipconfig


6. Now press Enter.

7. Now you can see all address that includes your IP address, Default Gateway,  Subnet Mask.

The image below will guide u.



For any queries comment on this post. So that TECHWARZ will help to solve your problem.

~Aasim Bashir.

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